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International Photomarathon from PHOTO IS:RAEL and Chutzpah Center

Les concours photo et bourses photo
  mardi 16 février 2021 00:00


For over 40 years, photomarathons have seen great success in cities all over the world, although they are usually limited to a single municipal area.

The limitations of the current times have inspired us to develop an online, international photomarathon which is open to participants from all around the globe.

The first International Photomarathon will not focus on the physical spaces of a certain city, but on a topic which seems more fitting than ever – “Chaos”.

We invite photographers, designers, artists and creators from all fields which use the language of photography as their tool, to engage in a creative and inspiring 24-hour exploration of various aspects of the “Chaos” theme.


 “Chaos” represents opportunity, a way of contending with the uncertainty and ambiguity of a time and a world that is constantly changing.

We invite you to embrace the chaos of our times and think of it as an engine for innovative, independent creation, a path to the re-examination of our basic assumptions and an avenue for creating work which embodies flexibility, inventiveness, ingenuity, and personal and professional development.

“If life is naturally disorganized, wouldn’t developing the skills necessary to deal with its unpredictability be more effective than trying to create order?” Inbal Arieli, Author, Chutzpah: Why Israel is a Hub of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Technical Details

-The marathon will launch online on February 16, at 5:00 PM (GMT+2).

-Over the course of 24 hours, participants will receive 6 secret photography challenges which may be completed at each participant’s own pace.

-Participants will decide how much time they’d like to allocate to each challenge; however, all six challenges must be completed within 24 hours.

- Submissions will not be accepted after the conclusion of the marathon.

 A panel of experts in the field of photography and innovation will review the submissions and select 20 winners whose work will be featured in a travelling exhibition.

The exhibition will launch at the London Street Photography Festival, followed by Barcu Photography Festival in Bogotá, Colombia with a final stop at the   9th International Photography Festival in Tel-Aviv.

The top three winners will be awarded prizes intended to facilitate their professional development.

Registration schedule:

The Registration will be open from the 26.1.2021 – 15.2.2021 23:59 (Israel time)

Photographs must be submitted via the contest website: https://www.photoisrael.org/international_marathon/en/

 For questions and additional information please contact Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

About the organizers

PHOTO IS:RAEL is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering dialogue through research and highlighting artistic and social issues through the language of photography. We believe photography is a universal language which transcends culture and gender and is understood by all. It’s a language which bridges the central and marginal, disempowered communities and society at large.

CHUTZPAH CENTER, by author and global speaker Inbal Arieli, brings the mindset of Chutzpah to the world, training individuals and organizations to cope with chaos and uncertainty as a core skill for the future. Her book, Chutzpah: Why Israel is a Hub of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, won the 2020 Best New Entrepreneurship Audiobook.

 *Registration is limited.

*Each participant will be charged a $15 fee to cover the costs of operating the marathon.




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Liste des Dates (vue évènement)

  • mardi 16 février 2021 00:00
Lun Mar Mer Jeu Ven Sam Dim
Au service de la photographie depuis 2001